No News is Good News, Right? Right??

Nothing exciting to report, but just wanted to, you know, check in.

Historically, for reasons I’m not going to go into here, this time of year is a difficult one for me. I’m handling it better this year, I think.

Ah….now, let’s talk about submissions!

When last we spoke, I had two different stories submitted to four different publications. That was January, I think. Anyway, now, in March, I am at two stories PLUS a poem. Did y’all know I write poetry? I know, I’m shocked, too! So two stories and one poem spread across twenty-five submissions. Out of those submissions, I’ve already gotten passes (or rejections, if you please) from eleven of them. Sure, it hurts, especially the one who couldn’t even get my main character’s name correct. Yes, it’s disappointing. Is it a natural part of writing? You betcha! So I just keep on keepin’ on, as the song says. My pieces will find a home when it’s the right home.

In other writing news, I am very nearly done with the latest draft of my novel, The Other Side of Winter. This has been something I have been working on for more than seven years at this point and it only vaguely resembles the story that it started out to be. I’m very excited about it and once it’s done, I’ll send it out into the world of beta-readers and critique partners. Then another couple rounds of editing and revising and it’ll be ready to start the query process. And that’s when being able to deal with rejection will really come in handy.

In the meantime, I’m just gonna keep writing and keep submitting! I’ve got lots of new idea that I want to flesh out as soon as The Other Side of Winter is done. It’s all very exciting!

I hope you all are doing well, dear readers! And I hope I will have some acceptances to share with you soon!

Be kind and stay safe!


Half-Life (or what it feels like to finally have something published after two years)


Happy Not 2021 Anymore!